Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 10 February 2017 № 2-П upon the petition of the citizen I. Dadin
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- The constitutionality of the criminal prosecution for a violation of the procedure for conducting meetings, assemblies, manifestations and picketing, given that the accused has already been repeatedly (more than twice within 180 days) brought to administrative responsibility.
Subject areas:
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of 19 November 2015 № 2732-O on refusal to accept a petition of citizen K.V.Svetlov
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Is it permissible that a person subject to investigation regarding an administrative offence be held under an administrative arrest prior to issuing a verdict in the administrative offence case?
- Dissenting opinion:
- Knyazev Sergey
Subject areas:
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of 2 July 2015 № 1536-П upon the petition of the Dmitrov district court of Kostroma City
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Whether the contested regulation restricts citizens’ rights to obtain professional legal aid in case of their bringing to administrative responsibility?
- Dissenting opinion:
- Aranovskiy Konstantin
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 23 September 2014 № 24-П upon the petition of N.A.Alekseev and others
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- The constitutionality of the rule imposing administrative liability for propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations among non-adults
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 22 April 2014 № 13-П on the review of constitutionality of partss 5 and 7 of Article 12.16, part 1.2 of Article 12.17, parts 5 and 6 of Article 12.19 and part 2 of Article 12.28 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation upon the request of a group of deputies of the State Duma
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Whether increased fines for violations of traffic rules in Moscow and S.-Petersburg are constitutional
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 25 February 2014 № 4-П on the review of constitutionality of certain provisions of Articles 7.3, 9.1, 14.43, 15.19, 15.23-1 и 19.7-3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences in connection with the request of the Commercial Court of Niznii Novgorod Region and petitions of a number of legal entities
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- The constitutionality of provisions which preclude imposing upon legal entities a fine which amount would be lower than the minimal level provided for in the Code
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Commercial Court of 8 November 2013 № 79 “On Certain Issues of Application of Customs Legislation”
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
Subject areas:
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of 4 June 2013 № 900-O on the refusal to accept for consideration the complaints of the citizen Tamara Chirkova against the violation of her constitutional rights by the provisions of Article 30.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- The constitutionality of provisions which deprive close relatives of the deceased of the right to challenge termination of proceedings in a case on administrative offence in which he was involved – whether such provisions violate the presumption of innocence and the right to judicial protection, and whether they accord to constitutional requirements as to the protection of honour, dignity and good name.
- Dissenting opinion:
- Rudkin Yuri , Zhilin Gennadiy
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 14 February 2013 № 4-П on the review of constitutionality of the Federal law “On Making Changes in the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences” and Federal law “On Assemblies, Meetings, Demonstrations, Manifestations, and Picketing” in connection with the request of a group of deputies of the State Duma and the complaint of the citizen E.V.Savenko
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Legal issue: the constitutionality of the amendments to the legislation on public gatherings, provided that 1) their adoption was associated with a number of concomitant violations of legislative procedure, and 2) they envisage excessive administrative sanctions, prohibitions and restrictions.
- Dissenting opinion:
- Danilov Yuri , Kazantsev Sergey , Yaroslavtsev Vladimir
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 17 January 2013 № 1-П on the review of constitutionality of provisions of part 5 of Article 19.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences in connection with the complaint of the LLC “Maslianky Khebopriemtyi Punkt”
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Legal issue: the constitutionality of the norm establishing for legal entities a minimal fine of 300,000 RUR for the failure to submit information upon the request of antitrust authorities.
- Dissenting opinion:
- Kokotov Aleksandr
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 27 November 2012 № 8651/12 in the case The entrepreneur Guliamov vs The Astrakhan Directorate of Federal Migration Service
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Point of law: whether a court may substitute an administrative fine imposed upon entrepreneur with the suspension of activity (considered by law as a more strict punishment), based only on the entrepreneur’s own desire?
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 26 November 2012 № 28-П on the review of constitutionality of Section 1 of Article 16.2 and Section 2 of Article 27.11 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of the Limited Liability Company “Avesta”
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Legal issue: whether the constitutional rights of the applicant (a legal entity) were violated by the rules of legislation, which make the amount of fine for the failure to declare a commodity at customs dependent upon such insufficiently clear notion as market value of this commodity in the Russian Federation?
- Dissenting opinion:
- Knyazev Sergey , Melnikov Nikolay , Aranovskiy Konstantin
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 18 May 2012 № 12-П on the review of constitutionality of provisions of part 2 of Article 20.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, paragraph 3 of part 4 of Article 5 and paragraph 5 of part 3 of Article 7 of the Federal law “On Assemblies, Meetings, Demonstrations, Manifestations, and Picketing” in connection with the complaint of the citizen S.A.Katkov
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Legal issue: whether the contested provisions are constitutional, since they allow bringing the organiser of public action to administrative responsibility, if the actual number of participants of the given public action has exceeded the one declared in the notice on its holding.
- Dissenting opinion:
- Yaroslavtsev Vladimir
Subject areas:
Decree of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Commercial Court of 10 October 2011 № 71
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- In this Decree the Plenary Session of the Court has addressed a number of important issues of judicial practice relating to administrative offences.
Subject areas:
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