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Ruling of the Supreme Court Judicial Division for Economic Disputes of 30 January 2017 № 305-ЭС16-14210

Whether supplier may demand that the customer performs the contractual obligation to provide bank guarantee from a bank?

Ruling of the Supreme Court Judicial Division for Economic Disputes of 24 January 2017 № 310-ЭС16-14179

Whether good-faith mortgage lender may demand that the mortgaged property (a flat) be foreclosed – in the context of legal relations arising before 1 July 2014?

Subject areas: 

Ruling of the Supreme Court Judicial Division for Economic Disputes of 24 January 2017 № 305-КГ16-10570

Whether the owner of all apartments in a residential house must register his right of ownership to it as a single object of real estate, if he wants to demolish the house and register his right of ownership to the land under it?

Subject areas: 

Ruling of the Supreme Court Judicial Division for Economic Disputes of 19 January 2017 № 305-ЭС15-15704

What is the relation between paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 1107 of Civil Code, that is, between the requirement to compensate all profits received as a result of unjust enrichment, and the requirement to pay interest under Article 395, Civil Code for the use of monies belonging to another person?

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 4 June 2015 № 13-П upon the petition of V.A.Knyazik and P.N.Puzyrin

Is the state liable for compensation issued to the good-faith purchaser of real estate, when such transaction was later annulled by the court, with such compensation based on the fact that the relevant state body bears responsibility for wrongful actions while registering the rights to said real estate (residential property)
Dissenting opinion: 
Bondar Nikolay

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of  11 December 2014 № 32-П upon the petition of Salekhard City  Court

The constitutionality of the rule which establishes a less severe criminal punishment for fraud if the latter was committed in the context of entrepreneurial activities
Dissenting opinion: 
Aranovskiy Konstantin

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 10 December 2014 № 31-П upon the petition of closed joint-stock company “Gloria”

Whether the legal provisions, stipulating for the possibility of seizure and sequestration of cash which was “frozen” in the course of criminal investigation with its owner and not admitting the same with regard to money in cashless form which were stolen from the current account of the victim of a crime and which are on accounts in other banks?

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 18 November 2014 № 30-П upon the petition of Sberbank of Russia

Whether the party, in whose favour an arbitration court issued an award, may be among the founders of an autonomous non-commercial organisation, to which that arbitration court is attached

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of  23 September 2014 № 24-П upon the petition of N.A.Alekseev and others

The constitutionality of the rule imposing administrative liability for propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations among non-adults


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