Project creators
Project Leader:
Dr. Alexander Vereshchagin, the author of Judicial Law-Making in Post-Soviet Russia (Cavendish Publishing, 2007), Editor-in-Chief of ZAKON
Members of Advisory Board:
William Elliott Butler, Distinguished Professor of Law in Pennsylvania State University and Emeritus Professor of Comparative Law in the University of London
Vladimir Chetvernin, Head of the Laboratory for Theretical Research of Law and State and Professor of National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Dr. Alexander Vereshchagin, the author of Judicial Law-Making in Post-Soviet Russia (Cavendish Publishing, 2007), Editor-in-Chief of ZAKON
Members of Advisory Board:
William Elliott Butler, Distinguished Professor of Law in Pennsylvania State University and Emeritus Professor of Comparative Law in the University of London
Vladimir Chetvernin, Head of the Laboratory for Theretical Research of Law and State and Professor of National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Gadis Gadzhiev, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and Head of Research of the Law Faculty (S.-Petersburg), National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Author of the idea – Yuri Kuznetsov, Cand.Sci.(Econ.)
Content Manager - Evgeniya Vereshchagina
Content Manager - Evgeniya Vereshchagina
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