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Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 10 February 2017 № 2-П upon the petition of the citizen I. Dadin

The constitutionality of the criminal prosecution for a violation of the procedure for conducting meetings, assemblies, manifestations and picketing, given that the accused has already been repeatedly (more than twice within 180 days) brought to administrative responsibility.

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of  11 December 2014 № 32-П upon the petition of Salekhard City  Court

The constitutionality of the rule which establishes a less severe criminal punishment for fraud if the latter was committed in the context of entrepreneurial activities
Dissenting opinion: 
Aranovskiy Konstantin

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 11 November 2014 № 29-П upon the petition of citizens Vasin and Savchenko

The constitutionality of the rule, under which the very fact of bringing a policeman to criminal liability in cases of public prosecution, even if the offence he committed has been subsequently decriminalised, serve as an unconditional ground for dismissing him from service

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 20 May 2014 № 16-П on the review of constitutionality of paragraph 1 of part 3 of Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation upon the petition of citizen Filimonov

1) the constitutionality of exemption of certain categories of crimes committed by minors from the jurisdiction of court with participation of jurors; 2) the constitutionality of denying a minor of the right to the jury trial, given that his motion to that effect has been submitted prior than the law, which had exempted from juror’s jurisdiction the crimes he was indicted for, came into force.

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 21 March 2014 № 7-П on the review of constitutionality of the provision of paragraph 7 of part 3 of Article 82 of the Federal law “On Service in the Bodies of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” upon the petitions of citizens Asel’derov, Rabadanov, Suleimanov and Taryshkin

The constitutionality of the contested rule to the extent it serves as the ground for dismissal of a policeman in cases when private criminal prosecutions against him has been terminated due to the reconciliation of the parties before the entry of the contested provision into force, and also when the action of which the policeman was being accused had been decriminalized by the time of his dismissal

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 10 October 2013 № 20-П on the review of constitutionality of  paragraph 32«а» of  Article 4 of the Federal law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and Rights To Participate in a Referenda of the Citizens of the Russian Federation”, part 1 of Article 10 and part 6 of Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in connection with complaints of citizens Egorov, Kazakov, Kravtsov, Kupriyanov, Latypov and Sin’kov

The constitutionality of rules which envisage for citizens who were sentenced to deprivation of liberty for the committal of grave and particularly grave crimes (including the crimes committed before the contested rules were enacted) the life-long and unconditional deprivation of the right to be elected, regardless of the cancellation or expunging of their  record of conviction, and also regardless of whether such person has received a probationary sentence.


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