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Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 19 November 2013 № 5861/13 in the case The company “First Musical Publishing House” vs The company “MTF Production” 

Point of law: whether the use of musical composition in its original form (i.e. without remaking), but as a part of a complex object (a mock theatrical performance), by parodists constitutes the violation of the exclusive right to such composition?
Dissenting opinion: 
Valiavina Elena

Subject areas: 

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 4 December 2012 № 11277/12 in the case The company “Melnitsa XXI vek” vs The Russian Author’s Society (RAO)

Point of law: how specific should be the subject of a license contract concluded under Art 1243 of the Civil Code between the user of a musical composition (licensee) and the accredited organization for the management of rights on the collective basis (RАО), in order to be recognised as being agreed upon?

Subject areas: 

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 13 November 2012 № 6813/12 in the case The entrepreneur Sergey Chudov vs The Vladivostok customs office

Point of law: whether customs office was right in suspending the importation of goods with a trade mark registered in the customs database of IP rights, provided that the first sale of such goods has already taken place in another country?

Decision of the Supreme Commercial Court of 1 October 2012 № ВАС-6474/12 upon the application of Jan Topol, a citizen of Czech Republic

Point of law: the legality of prohibition imposed by Rospatent upon appointing advocates as representatives of non-residents (both natural and legal persons) in patent disputes, whereas residents are permitted to hire advocates as well as patent attorneys.

Judgment of the Presidium of Supreme Commercial Court of 11 September 2012 № 5939/12 in the case The company “Hame s.r.o” (Czech Republic) vs The company “Ruzkom” et al.

Point of law: whether a factory violates an exclusive right to another’s trademark, when it packages its own goods with the packing, on which a designation, confusingly similar to this trade mark, has been put not by the factory itself, but by a third person (the supplier of the packing)?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 26 June 2012 № 17769/11 in the case The Baltic Customs Office vs The company “Optimum-Kargo”

Point of law: whether it constitutes an unlawful use of the trademark on the part of an importer to place a designation which is confusingly similar to the trademark upon shipment-related documentation (such as invoice, packing list and compliance certificate)?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 31 January 2012 № 11025/11 in the case Research-and-production company "Kombioteks" vs The company "Serum Institute of India Ltd"

Point of law: whether the invention previously patented in a foreign state ought to be taken into account when determining the level of technique within the procedure of consideration of patent application with regard to a supposedly equivalent invention?


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