Decision of the Supreme Commercial Court of 1 October 2012 № ВАС-6474/12 upon the application of Jan Topol, a citizen of Czech Republic
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Point of law: the legality of prohibition imposed by Rospatent upon appointing advocates as representatives of non-residents (both natural and legal persons) in patent disputes, whereas residents are permitted to hire advocates as well as patent attorneys.
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 31 January 2012 № 11025/11 in the case Research-and-production company "Kombioteks" vs The company "Serum Institute of India Ltd"
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Point of law: whether the invention previously patented in a foreign state ought to be taken into account when determining the level of technique within the procedure of consideration of patent application with regard to a supposedly equivalent invention?
Subject areas:
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