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Decision of the Supreme Commercial Court of 17 June 2014 № ВАС-7907/2013 upon the petition of the company “Argus-Spektr” 

The legality of the Federal Antimonopoly Service guidelines, on which basis the unannounced antitrust inspections (or “dawn raids”) are conducted

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 20 May 2014 № 16-П on the review of constitutionality of paragraph 1 of part 3 of Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation upon the petition of citizen Filimonov

1) the constitutionality of exemption of certain categories of crimes committed by minors from the jurisdiction of court with participation of jurors; 2) the constitutionality of denying a minor of the right to the jury trial, given that his motion to that effect has been submitted prior than the law, which had exempted from juror’s jurisdiction the crimes he was indicted for, came into force.

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of  19 May 2014 № 15-П on the review of constitutionality of part 15 of Article 3 Federal law “On the Monetary Provision of the Military Personnel and Making Certain Payments to Them” upon the petition of citizen Ledovskikh

The constitutionality of the rule which deprives members of military personnel of monthly monetary compensation for the injury sustained as a result of military service, if they receive on the same ground other payments, such as an increased pension for long service.

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 13 May 2014 № 14-П on the review of constitutionality of Article 7 (part 1) of the Federal law “On Assemblies, Meetings, Demonstrations, Manifestations, and Picketing” upon the petition of the citizen Yakimov

The constitutionality of the rule which precludes giving timely notification to authorities about an envisaged public gathering, because the period provided by this rule for such notification fully coincides with non-working days (holidays)

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 21 March 2014 № 7-П on the review of constitutionality of the provision of paragraph 7 of part 3 of Article 82 of the Federal law “On Service in the Bodies of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” upon the petitions of citizens Asel’derov, Rabadanov, Suleimanov and Taryshkin

The constitutionality of the contested rule to the extent it serves as the ground for dismissal of a policeman in cases when private criminal prosecutions against him has been terminated due to the reconciliation of the parties before the entry of the contested provision into force, and also when the action of which the policeman was being accused had been decriminalized by the time of his dismissal

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 19 March 2014 № 6-П in the case of verification of constitutionality of an international treaty, which has not yet entered into force, between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and on the creation within the Russian Federation of new subjects

The constitutionality of the international treaty, which has been signed on 18 March 2014 but has not yet entered into force, between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and on the creation within the Russian Federation of new subjects – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city Sevastopol


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