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Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 23 June 2015 № 1518-O upon the petition of A.V.Lukyanitsa

Does a father of two or more children have a right to receive a government support provided to families with children, regardless of the respective right of a mother of said children?
Dissenting opinion: 
Gadzhiev Gadis

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 18 September 2014 № 23-П upon the petition of A.A.Plankin

The constitutionality of denial of the right of disabled persons from the ranks of the police, whose disability was caused by fighting Chernobyl disaster, to monetary compensation in the amount equal to the non-received sums of compensation for the damage to health

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 1 April 2014 № 9-П on the review of constitutionality of a note to the List of works related to the liquidation of the consequences of the catastrophe on Chernobyl’ Atomic Power Plant and performed within the period from 26 April 1986 to 31 December 1990 in the exclusion area of the Russian Federation, upon the petitions of citizens Kuzichev and Plotnikov 

Constitutionality of the rule which confers the status of a participant of the liquidation of Chernobyl catastrophe and the appropriate benefits only upon those citizens who were sent to perform such works upon decisions of executive bodies of State power, thus excluding those citizens who were sent to Chernobyl area by decisions of Komsomol committees and approval by the bodies of the Communist Party

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 14 May 2013 № 9-П  on the review of constitutionality of  para 4 of Article 26 of the Federal law of 22 August 2004 № 122-ФЗ in connection with the complaint of the citizen N.Morenko

Конституционно ли оспариваемое положение, если оно препятствует неработающим пенсионерам реализовать своё право на компенсацию расходов, связанных с их выездом на новое место жительства из районов Крайнего Севера и приравненных к ним местностей?
Dissenting opinion: 
Aranovskiy Konstantin

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 5 April 2013 № 7-П on the review of constitutionality of the forth passage of the first part of Article 6 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the request of Archangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies

Legal issue: whether regional legislator may establish one-time payment amounting to two monetary remunerations of the deputies of the regional Assembly who exercise their powers on the professional permanent basis at the moment of termination of their powers, given that under Labour Code of Russia the establishment of additional guarantees to particular categories of employees relates to the competence of federal authorities?

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 7 November 2012 № 24-П on the review of constitutionality of part 1 of Article 2 of the Federal law of 12 February 2001 № 5-ФЗ “On Making Changes in and Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Social Protection of the Citizens Affected by the Radiation As a Result of the Catastrophe of Chernobyl APP” in the interpretation given to its provisions in the law-application practice after the entering into force of the Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 20 December 2010 № 21-П, in connection with the complaint of the citizen R.Inamov

Legal issue: whether the contested provisions, as interpreted by law-application practice in the wake of the Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 20 December 2010 № 21-П, are conformant to the Constitution, as long as they serve as a ground for refusal of calculating the amount of monetary compensation to disabled persons from the ranks of military personnel who took part in the liquidation of Chernobyl catastrophe, on the basis of their money allowance with due regard to the degree of the loss of their work capacity?

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 24 October 2012 № 23-П on the review of constitutionality of paras 1, 2 and 4 of part 2 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Social Protection of the Citizen Who Have Suffered from Radiation as a Result of the Catastrophe on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station” in connection with the complaint of the citizen T.S.Chaplyghina

Legal issue: whether the contested rules are constitutional if they – in the meaning given to them by the continuous law-application practice – make the rendering of measures of social protection to citizens, who work in the territory of the zone of residence with privileged social and economic status, dependent upon their living (or working) there as of 2 December 1995?

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 27 February 2012 № 3-П on the review of constitutionality of passage 2 of para 14 of Article 15 of the Federal law “On the Status of the Military Personnel” in connection with the complaints of citizens A.N.Khmara and V.N.Shum

Legal issue: the constitutionality of the contested provision under which former members of military personnel in need of dwelling have been denied a money compensation on the ground that only those were entitled to such compensation who had been registered for this purpose before 1 January 2005.

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 9 February 2012 № 2-П on the review of constitutionality of a provision of part 8 of Article 325 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of the citizen I.G.Trunova

Legal issue: the provision in question guarantees to the members of staff of the organizations belonging to the State or local governments who work in the Far North and similar localities a compensation of expenses for their return trip to the place of statutory leave. Does such guarantee extend also to persons working for private employers, and if not, whether such distinction is constitutional?


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