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Ruling of the Supreme Court Judicial Division for Economic Disputes of 9 February 2017 № 305-КГ16-15387

Whether a company may be allowed to take part in a government tender (in the form of request for quotation), if it offers zero price (0.00 RUR)?

Ruling of the Supreme Court Judicial Division for Economic Disputes of 31 January 2017 № 309-КГ16-13100

Whether the transfer of property under accord and satisfaction agreement terminating the contract of loan would be subject to VAT taxation?

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 4 June 2015 № 13-П upon the petition of V.A.Knyazik and P.N.Puzyrin

Is the state liable for compensation issued to the good-faith purchaser of real estate, when such transaction was later annulled by the court, with such compensation based on the fact that the relevant state body bears responsibility for wrongful actions while registering the rights to said real estate (residential property)
Dissenting opinion: 
Bondar Nikolay

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 24 March 2015 № 5-П upon the petition of citizen A.M.Bogatyrev

Constitutionality of remaining of the right to use residential premises at a housing co-op with persons who had original title to it, when such residential premises were sold at a public auction as a remedy to rectify default in repayment of a mortgage

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 15 July 2014 № 5467/14  in the case The Department  of the Ministry of Interior for Rostov Region vs The Company “Real Estate” 

Whether penalty in case of partial failure to perform a government contract should be calculated based on the total price of the contract or with due regard to contractor’s partial performance of his obligations?

Decision of the Supreme Commercial Court of 17 June 2014 № ВАС-7907/2013 upon the petition of the company “Argus-Spektr” 

The legality of the Federal Antimonopoly Service guidelines, on which basis the unannounced antitrust inspections (or “dawn raids”) are conducted

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 3 June 2014 № 17-П on the review of constitutionality of provisions of paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 173 of the Tax Code upon the  petition of  limited liability company “Kamsnab” 

Сonstitutionality of rules imposing upon a company the duty to pay VAT with regard to the goods sold, given that the company wrongly considered itself to be a payer of VAT, but was subsequently deemed to be the payer of the unified tax on imputed income


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