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Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 17 January 2012 № 9898/11 in the case The company “RusPromLeasing” vs The Tax Inspection № 4 for the City of Moscow

Point of law: whether thin capitalisation rules in Art 269 of the Tax Code require that the comparability of conditions in a loan contract concluded by the taxpayer as a borrower should be determined exclusively by comparing them with the provisions of other loan contracts of the same taxpayer or, rather, the conditions existent in the entire credit market should be taken into account?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of 15 November 2011 N 8654/11 in the case Coal company “Severnyi Kuzbass” vs The Federal Inspection № 1 for Major Taxpayers of Kemerovo Region

Point of law: what is the role of international treaties with regard to interest payments from Russian companies to foreign residents – whether they regulate the composition of expenses deductible at the taxation of the profit of Russian companies, or such composition must be determined in accordance with the rules of the Russian Tax Code?


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