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Decision of the Supreme Commercial Court of 11 April 2012 № ВАС-308/12

Point of law: whether the amount of the State duty to be paid for the adoption of a decision concerning an objection against the issuance of a patent may be different for residents and non-residents?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 10 April 2012 № 15085/11 in the case The company “Russian Forest Group” vs Sberbank

Point of law: 1) how is limited the right of the pledgeholder to reduce 10-days period of time which the law gives him in order to cease the sale of the object of pledge by performing the obligation which has been secured by the pledge? 2) whether an executive note of the notary is required for the purposes of compulsory levy of execution on the object of pledge (securities), given that the depositary and pledgeholder are different persons?

Subject areas: 

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 3 April 2012 № 15483/11 in the case The company Ulianovsk Motor Plant vs The Interdistrict Inspection of the Federal Tax Service on major taxpayers in Ulianovsk Region

Point of law: whether tax agent must pay at his own expense the amount of VAT, which he failed to withhold from a foreign taxpayer, given that the tax agent has already paid fine and penalties for this violation of tax legislation?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 22 March 2012 № 12613/11 in the case Shavkat Satarov vs The company “Uralskii Priborostroitelnyi zavod” et al.

Point of law: whether the corporate law concept of “affiliation” is applicable to natural persons who formally do not engage in entrepreneurial activities?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 20 March 2012 № 14989/11 in the case The company “IunitPrestizh” vs The company “Uiut-Stroi” et al.

Point of law: if in the course of judicial proceedings it has been found that the defendant behaved in an unscrupulous manner, in particular, if he refused to disclose the necessary information, whether the plaintiff should then prove the facts he stated to be true, or the burden of proving or, rather, refuting them should be shifted upon the defendant?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 6 March 2012 № 12505/11 in the case The company “Doroga” vs G.P.Semenenko

Point of law: what are the standards of reasonable and in good faith behaviour of the chief manager of the company and how the burden of proof should be distributed if the plaintiff (shareholder of the company) submits weighty arguments of the disputed transactions being interrelated and of the chief manager of the company being in the situation of a conflict of interests?
Dissenting opinion: 
Dedov Dmitriy

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 28 February 2012 № 14850/11 in the case The company “Farn-Trade” vs The company “Prosto” et al.

Points of law: 1) what are the requirements to the procedure of publication and dissemination of notifications concerning a public sale? 2) whether the consent of lessor is mandatory in case of the transfer of the right to lease of the state or municipal property?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 28 February 2012 № 15935/11 in the case The bank “Zenit” vs Serghei Birkle, the bankruptcy trustee of the company “Tvins-Kaliningrad”

Point of law: if a bankruptcy creditor submits to the bankruptcy trustee of the debtor company the evidence that a debtor company transaction is suspect, whether the bankruptcy trustee must challenge such transaction in court?

Decision of the Supreme Commercial Court of 21 February 2012 № 14589/11

Point of law: whether the Order of the Ministry of Culture of 25 August 2010 is lawful to the extent in which it places upon the commercial entities the duty to store a large number of various documents (enumerated in the Order) and prescribes periods for their storage?


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