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Judgment of the Presidium of Supreme Commercial Court of 25 September 2012 № 5944/12 in the case The Deputy Military Prosecutor of the Western Military Circuit et al. vs The Moscow Regional Directorate of the Federal Agency for the Management of State Property et al.

Point of law: whether restitution of a land plot as a consequence of invalidity of a purchase-sale contract is admissible, if after the conclusion of the contract the right of common share ownership to the land plot has been gained by owners of an apartment house built on this site?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 5 June 2012 № 76/12 in the case The company “Financial and Industrial Union Sibkonkord” vs The Holding company “Sibirskii Cement” et al.

Point of law: under which conditions a transaction concluded by a joint-stock company in violation of a law may be deemed to be invalid upon the suit of a shareholder as being against his rights and lawful interests?

Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 13 December 2011 № 10590/11 in the case Liudmila Belochkina vs Oksana Chernyh et al.

Point of law: under which circumstances a sales-purchase contract with regard to a share in a limited liability company (LLC) must be held invalid, given that the purchaser was a third person (not a member of the LLC) whereas the charter of the company explicitly prohibited selling a share (or a part thereof) to any third person?


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