Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 1 November 2011 № 7088/11 in the case The company "Aren" vs The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in Penza Region
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Point of law: whether the consent of the seller of a real estate item (an edifice) to divide the land plot for the purpose of forming the land plot necessary for the use of the real estate is required, or such consent is not needed and the right to lease such land arises in the purchaser by virtue of the law?
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 18 October 2011 № 6977/11 in the case Sberbank vs The Company "Ladoga"
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Point of law: whether the contract of surety is still in force if the amount of the underlying principal obligation which it intends to secure has been increased without the consent of the guarantor?
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 4 October 2011 № 7073/11 in the case Non-commercial partnership "Innovations in Power Industry" vs The company "Unikhimtek"
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Point of law: whether the rules relating to the payment of membership fees by the members of associations and unions may, by way of analogy, govern the obligations as to the payment of fees by the participant of a non-commercial partnership who left the partnership before the end of financial year?
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 6 September 2013 № 2929/11 in the case “Sigma Capital Partners” vs Angentro Trading and Investments Limited et al.
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- How to determine the amount of profits lost by the defendant as a result of an interlocutory injunction (seizure of shares in dispute) related to a suit which has been eventually dismissed by a court?
Subject areas:
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