Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 2015 № 27-П upon the petition of citizens Karabanov and Martynov
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- The constitutionality of consideration of an appellate application regarding the litigation expenses in the absence of the parties to the dispute and without notifying them.
- Dissenting opinion:
- Zhilin Gennadiy
Subject areas:
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of 16 July 2015 № 1787-О on the refusal to admit for consideration the petition of the local organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses of Birobidzhan
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Whether the contested rules admit the possibility of several contradicting court decisions on the recognition of certain texts as being extremist, and whether there was be a duty to bring the respective religious organisation to participation in the case?
- Dissenting opinion:
- Gadzhiev Gadis
Subject areas:
Decree of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of 27 June 2013 № 21 “On the Application by Courts of General Jurisdiction of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms from 4 November 1950 and the Protocols Thereto”
- Court:
- Supreme Court
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 30 November 2012 № 29-П on the review of constitutionality of Section 5 of Article 244.6 and Section 2 of Article 333 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaints of A.G.Kruglov, A.V.Margin, V.A.Martynov and Yu.S.Shardyko
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Legal issue: whether contested rules are constitutional, as long as they do enable a participant to court dispute to use his procedural rights, because they do not impose upon appellation court a duty to notify him about the place and time of considering his special appeal?
- Dissenting opinion:
- Zhilin Gennadiy
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 1 March 2012 № 5-П on the review of constitutionality of passage 2 of Art 215 and passage 2 of Art 217 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaints of citizens D.V.Barabash and A.V.Iskhakov
- Court:
- Constitutional Court
- Legal issue: whether the contested provisions are constitutional, as long as they obligate the court to suspend proceedings in the event of reorganisation of the legal person which is a party to the case at hand until its legal successor is determined, and as long as they do not enable the court to take into account the circumstances of the case, including the real possibility to decide the case and enforce the decision before the reorganisation is complete?
Subject areas:
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