Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 27 September 2011 № 4134/11 in the case The Krasnoyarsk refrigerator company “Biriusa” vs the Tax Inspection for major taxpayers of Krasnoyarsk region
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- Правовой вопрос: с какого момента следует отсчитывать срок давности по налоговым правонарушениям по смыслу статьи 113 НК РФ?
Subject areas:
Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court of 6 September 2013 № 2929/11 in the case “Sigma Capital Partners” vs Angentro Trading and Investments Limited et al.
- Court:
- Supreme Commercial Court
- How to determine the amount of profits lost by the defendant as a result of an interlocutory injunction (seizure of shares in dispute) related to a suit which has been eventually dismissed by a court?
Subject areas:
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case of "Cartesio", 16 December 2008
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: The right of the body corporate to transfer its seat to another Member State without changing the applicable law
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case of “Cadbury Schweppes”, 12 September 2006
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Whether freedom of establishment precludes national tax legislation from imposing, under certain conditions, a charge upon a parent company as regards the profits made by its foreign subsidiary.
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case Igor Simutenkov v Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Real Federación Española de Fútbol, 12 April 2005
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Interpretation of Article 23(1) of еhe Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between Russia and the EU (1994) on the prohibition against discrimination of Russian citizens as regards the conditions of their work in the EU
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case "Inspire Art", 30 September 2003
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Whether company-law requirements of a particular Member State should apply to companies from other Member States wishing to carry on business in that State.
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case of "Überseering", 5 November 2002
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Whether the duty imposed by the law of a Member State on foreign companies to re-incorporate in that State as a precondition for acquiring legal capacity therein was compatible with the freedom of establishment.
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case of "Centros", 9 March 1999
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Whether it is compatible with the freedom of establishment to refuse registration of a branch of a company lawfully founded in another Member State, in which, however, the company itself does not carry on any business?
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case of Jean-Marc Bosman, 15 December 1995
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- The consistency of rules, which regulate the transfers of football players between clubs, with Community law
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the Joint case of Bernard Keck and Daniel Mithouard, 24 November 1993
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Whether a prohibition against resale of goods at a lower price is compatible with Community law, given that the sale of such good at a loss by manufacturer himself was not prohibited?
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case of Daily Mail, 27 September 1988
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: The right of the body corporate to transfer its seat to another Member State without changing the applicable law
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case Rewe-Zentral AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung fur Branntwein (‘Cassis de Dijon’ case), 20 February 1979
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Whether the Dassonville-formula against rules hindering intra-Community trade may cover non-discriminatory restrictions
Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case Procureur du Roi v Benoît and Gustave Dassonville, 11 July 1974
- Court:
- European Court of Justice
- Legal issue: Which regulatory requirements amount to ‘measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions’, which were prohibited by EEC Treaty?
Decisions of the Civil Cassation Department of the Ruling Senate in 1916. №№ 1-47
- Court:
- Ruling Senate (1864-1917)
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