Anton Ivanov. Технологии меняют общество к лучшему // Forbes. October 2009
In the conditions of chaotically changing legislation the law of precedent is in fact the only protection from the arbitrariness of legislators. (Full version.)
Anton Ivanov. Доклад Председателя Высшего Арбитражного Суда РФ А.А. Иванова на VII Всероссийском Съезде судей // ЭЖ-Юрист. 04.12.2008
"The most important thing - it is necessary to recognise the decisions of courts of last resort as judicial precedents”
Artur Absaliamov. Налоговые споры: тенденции арбитражной практики // Гарант. September 2008
The Russian judicial system exists for less than 20 years, and therefore it is essentially impossible to encompass everything by precedent. (Full version.)
Igor Strelov. ВАС остается за главного // ЭЖ-Юрист. Май 2008
In my view, the approaches to the application of legislation worked out by the Plenary Session of the Supreme Commercial Court constitute acts of official interpretation, have important significance for courts as well as participants of economic relations. (Full version.)
Anton Ivanov. Итоги работы Высшего Арбитражного Суда Российской Федерации и перспективы развития арбитражного правосудия на ближайшее время // Гарант. April 2008
In general I share the view of those who are inclined to gradually lend to the decisions of our courts the role of precedent. (Full version.)
Oleg Sviridenko. Прецендент или процедурный вопрос? // ЭЖ-Юрист. January 2008
It is known that the decrees of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Commercial Court are for all courts a source of law, obligatory for application, therefore we, of course, shall follow it. (Full version.)
Alla Bolshova. Прецендент или процедурный вопрос? // ЭЖ-Юрист. January 2008
Introduction by the Supreme Commercial Court of corrections into the settled judicial practice will lead to the instability of the practice, which of and by itself works against justice. (Full version.)
Valery Zorkin. 15-летие Конституционного Cуда Российской Федерации // КонсультантПлюс. December 2006
Those decisions where a legal position on the constitutional meaning of a law is formulated, have precedential significance. This is why they speak more and more frequently of direct precedents of the Constitutional Court. Although not everyone agrees with this, and even among the representatives of the legal community there are those who deny it outright. They say: which precedential significance? The Constitutional Court does not have a right to do so! I believe, this are the worst vestiges of vulgar legal positivism. (Full version.)
Valery Zorkin. Предварительные итоги деятельности Конституционного Суда РФ на пороге 15-летия // КонсультантПлюс. April 2006
The increasingly active introduction of the elements of the law of precedent testifies to the deepening of integration of judicial system of Russia into international judicial community. (Full version.)
Anton Ivanov. Обеспечение единообразия судебной арбитражной практики // КонсультантПлюс. July 2005
It is difficult to imagine some instantaneous act as a result of which the law of precedent shall be created here. In the course of its creation a major role shall belong to the heightening of the authority of judicial bodies. (Full version.)